Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is a special day. Today, some -- years ago, my mother was born. So, today Blake, Avery and I decided we should take our mother (and moe) out for lunch at the place of her choosing.

The Birthday Girl and the Blake boy

Me & my girl

We ended up at the Old Fashioned Soda Fountain. It's a little place, where burgers take time, the crinkle fries are crispy, and the hot fudge melts the ice cream just a little. Our waitress even sang "Happy Birthday" as the rest of the patrons looked on, sang along and applauded.

Mom even got to blow out a candle!

So, Happy Birthday to my beautiful, wonderful mother. I am forever grateful that I was chosen to be your daughter. You've taught me through example what it is to be a mother, and I'm thankful I'm able to pass along this love to my daughter.

Love you Mom.

Monday, June 21, 2010


   L-A-Z-Y. That is what you can call me today. My mother would call me that most days, but today it seems obvious, even to me.
   It's noon, I've been awake since 8:30, and we have done absolutely nothing. There TONS of things I SHOULD be doing, but I have only managed a couple cups of coffee and started a load of diapers (we use cloth). Other than that, I have sat on my crack and blog-stalked/Facebook-stalked. Exciting stuff, huh?

   Moose even seems to be in on the "action".

   Avery just woke up from her morning nap, and I wanted to show you the wonderful way she wakes up. This is the face I am blessed to wake up to every single day. Am I a lucky girl, or what?! She is such a joy to be around. Her smile, which takes over her whole face, is absolutely infectious. We are so blessed to have such a happy baby.

Well, it's time to get up and get moving. I will be productive today. I will be productive today. I WILL BE PRODUCTIVE TODAY. (Think the fact I put that in italics will help?)
Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This week...

Now that my mother is out of school for summer, most of our days include a visit with her (which makes me very happy). We've had an exciting week so far ("exciting" for us means leaving the house). We have been to the Huntington Mall, watched movies, and went on an adventure to Carter City. I'm trying to be better about taking my camera with me, so I've decided I'm not going to leave home without it. Here are some pictures from this week's adventures.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Water Bug Baby

     Avery is a Water Bug! She went swimming, not once, but twice this weekend! LOVES IT! I'm trying to use this as leverage with Andy, so he'll agree to put in a pool of our own. Sadly, I don't think it's working ("Not right now" is the only response I've been getting).

     Eventful weekend for the Caudill's. Avery went to her first birthday party for our friend Sydnee and we all had a great time. Didn't get to stay for the whole thing because Momma & Daddy had a "Date Night" scheduled. We don't pass up opportunities to have some alone time (even if that "alone-time" takes place on  a motorcycle and in a crowded restaurant).

Great weekend. Love my family. Love my life. Feeling very blessed right now.