Monday, January 23, 2012

And the award goes to...

Two posts in one day?
Why, yes. I believe I will.

As I mentioned earlier, it has been way too long since I had written.
This became even more apparent when I discovered that I've been given an "award".

Yes, that's right folks. I'm that good... just not that on the ball.

I apologize to Emily over at Live a Charmed Life, for taking so long to respond to this lovely award.
*And, I thank you.
 It's nice to know that someone (especially someone I don't know personally, didn't go to high school with, or could potentially run into at Walmart) else can follow my runaway train of rambling thoughts... and enjoys it.

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award
2. Pass it on the 15 people
3. List 7 random things about yourself

And, the award goes to...
1.) Abby
2.) Mandy
3.) Jamie
4.) Emily
5.) Ashley
6.) Jenni
9.) Greta
10.) Sara
11.) Leah
12.) Julie
13.) Mindy
14.) Jamie
Congratulations to the "winners". Please know that I completely enjoy reading your blogs and am happy to share in this random exchange with you. :)
7 Random Things:
1.) I sat here for a solid 3 minutes, trying to come up with something clever and "random" to start this thing.
2.) There are few things, in my opinion, that compare to the cold side of the pillow.
3.) I'm a night owl, even when I'm exhausted. As a SAHM of two lovely littles, I feel like I cheat myself of "me time" when I go to bed early.
4.) I knew within minutes of meeting my husband, that he would be my husband.
5.) Cadbury Eggs are my favorite holiday candy.
6.) I'm guilty of just looking at the pictures in People magazine (98% of the time).
7.)  I'm not sure I'm interesting enough to finish this...
Thank you for reading!
Until next time...

Hello... again.

Remember me?
I know. It's been awhile.
This is my first post in 2012, and it's already more than half way through January?!
I have no excuses.
Well... except that after I thoroughly enjoyed my time with my family, I fell victim to the dreaded Holiday Hangover.
You guys know what I'm talking about.
 The emotionally draining creative drought, that follows the rush of Christmas goodness.

*But, have no fear.
I'm back.

So, now that that is out of the way...

This precious child is now in preschool?! Wait... WHAT?! 
 My sweet Avery Drew, at the ripe old age of 27 months, is now attending preschool.
 5 days a week, 3 hours a day.
She did great.
I was a mess.

Watching her walk in, head held high, no fear... my heart was completely torn. 
*Isn't she supposed to be a little hesitant? Isn't she supposed to want me to not leave her?  
*I'm so very proud of her. Proud of her independence. Happy she is secure enough to handle this.
See what I mean? My heart, split right down the middle.

And, then there's this one...

This little bit has 6 teeth and just celebrated her 9 month "birthday".
9 months?! When did this happen? Where have I been?
Into to everything... EVERYTHING.
And, so happy.
Happy to be included.

As if I didn't have enough on my plate as it is...

I'm trying to learn how to crochet.
Currently looking for a class/tutorial, in addition to this book.
I'll keep you all posted on my progress.
*If anyone local can assist in this venture, I'd be forever grateful. :)

 That's all for now...
I've got to take advantage of this "free time" while I have it. ;)
I'm off to conquer the laundry room.
Wish me luck.

*As always, thank you for reading.
Feel free to share the love.

Until next time...