Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thirty-One Thursday: The Cindy Tote

Call the Vatican. My children fell asleep and stayed asleep, drum roll please... at the SAME TIME?! For a WHOLE hr and a half?! It was the perfect time for me to catch up on some laundry and clean this mess of a house stretch out on the couch with two pillows and a blanket, and catch up on my DVR. Not to sound overly dramatic, but:
It. Was. Glorious.

That did sound overly dramatic, didn't it? But, that NEVER happens, folks. Ever. It was so nice. I'm sure it'll never happen again, because I'm making such a big deal out of it... but at least I had today. :)

Now... onto the business at hand. It's Thursday, so...

Hello, friends and fellow Thirty-One fans!

For this week's Thirty-One Thursday, let's go with my very first wish list, must have items. The Cindy Tote. I'm going to be 100% honest. This is me, spilling the beans. When I signed up to be a Thirty-One Independent Consultant in Febuary this year, there was a "Hostess Special" going on: Host a $XXX party, and recieve the Cindy Tote for 70% off. My first thought: If I become a consultant, host an open house... that means I can get that baby for $20.00 AND make a nice little paycheck? I'm in. So, thank you, Cindy Tote, your good looks inspired me to take the leap. A leap I've been loving since!

I love it. I pined for it originally as a diaper bag, but have since sold several of these to teachers and as a mobile office. I'm not sure John Q. Public is aware of just how much stuff teachers have to cart to and from school (my mother is a teacher), but it's insane.

I LOVE this tote so much that...

Well, look at what came in the mail today?! Is it Christmas, already?!
 I couldn't help it. I have been in love with this Grey Quilted Poppy since I first saw it, and felt as though I needed a new Cindy Tote, you know... to coordinate when I wear black. Who's with me?
This tote is approximately: 14"H x 15"W x 5"D (but is pictured above with my iPhone to give you other normal people some idea of the size... Sorry, it's the closest "universal object" I had on hand).

***I mentioned in a previous Thirty-One Thursday post that I was ordering an All-In-One Organizer for Avery to use as a "Trick or Treat" bag, and look at this.


As always, feel free to email me  here if you have any questions, are in need of a catalog, are wanting place an order, or host a party. You can always go HERE to view the catalog online.

Until next time...
Happy Shopping and Happy Thursday!

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