Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thirty-One Thursday: Party!

**This post was written started on Thursday, but between sick girls (and a sick me) and a Yo Gabba Gabba adventures this weekend, I'm just now getting it out. I'm sorry.

Last night, my dear neighbor/might-as-well-be-family/friend, Kim, hosted a "holiday themed" Thirty-One partySo, I thought that since it's Thursday, a party recap would be an appropriate Thirty-One Thursday post.

I have to be honest. My in-home party experience is limited. I was very pregnant when I signed up to be an independent consultant, and you can imagine life with a newborn and toddler, so needless to say... "limited" is being nice. I'm hanging out more in the total of 3 ballpark. Catalog parties are what's been working for this girl, but I may be changing my tune after last night. I had SUCH a nice evening!

Kim's delicious spread. She out does herself.

Red Velvet Cupcakes. Yes. Please.

Kim's party is still open, as we're waiting on a few payments to come in, but she is sitting pretty in the Hostess Reward's department. Two half-priced items, $90 in FREE products (of her choice), two Hostess Exclusive items, and she qualified for the Hostess Monthly Special... And, I still have to add in at least $120 worth of orders (which means, her Rewards will just keep coming)!

So, message me if you're interested in earning your own Hostess Rewards! My
days are limited in November, so don't wait!

And, as always, you can view the catalog HERE, and feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Happy Thirty-One Thursday Saturday and I hope everyone has a warm, safe weekend!
Until next time...


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