Saturday, October 8, 2011

Avery's 2nd Birthday: The Recap

Last week, my biggest little turned 2. Due to some scheduling conflicts, her celebrations have been spread, somewhat evenly throughout the past 8 days. That's how we roll. We'll celebrate all month, if we want to... right?
Honestly, I already feel like I've over done the sharing part with pictures on facebook and a blog post, but I can say this will be the last Avery Birthday post, until next year, of course.

On her actual birthday (9.29.11), we celebrated with our dear friends/neighbors/might-as-well-be-family family, the Harrison's. Howard and Kim, affectionately referred to as "Wah-Wah" and "Meme", respectfully, are such a big part of my little family and am so thankful for that.

Mini charm bracelet. Avery liked it. Momma LOVED it.

I had fully intended on making homemade cupcakes for my girl's special day, but with dilated eyes (first eye appointment in 14 years, give or take) I found that I couldn't see my grocery list... so a little ice cream cake never hurt anyone.

Saturday (10.08.11... also known as today) we celebrated with the rest of our family, at my mother's.

Look at this mess.
I made the homemade cupcakes and am pretty pleased with how they turned out (recipe courtesy of the Brown Eyed Baker). Yes, this is Hilary. No, I have not been abducted by aliens and replaced with a look alike version of myself that is suddenly comfortable in the kitchen. It's really me... I'm pretty sure.  I mean, they could have come out of the oven a smidge sooner and I may need to work on my icing skills, but I'm not throwing in the towel on this baking thing, just yet.

Avery got her "big girl" present from Andy and me this evening. Melissa & Doug Art Station. She was definitely a happy camper. I love that she has this ever growing interest in artist expression. I know... she's two. But, I still love it.  She is very into painting. She "chalks" every time we're outside. We color every day. It's awesome.

Lovely evening.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl.
You. Are. Loved. So. Much.

*Busy last couple of days. I'm exhausted. I promise to give you all a break from the constant postings. Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!

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