Happy Wednesday Whatever-Day-of-the-Week-This-Actually-Gets-Posted!, folks! I'm pretty sure it's Thursday. Yes. It's Thursday. I can smell my crock pot crockin', and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my love. Normally, I'd be linking up with Jamie, over at This Kind of Love, but I missed the boat completely on that one.
Just because I missed the Wednesday aspect of this concept, doesn't mean I can't play along, right? Right. I mean, there are still PLENTY of things I'm loving! And, what kind of person would I be, if I didn't share the wealth of this knowledge?! So, ready or not... Here comes the love:
*I am loving: that this magical concoction is back on the shelves at Kroger. It's the most wonderful time of the year. Bring on the cranberry scented candles, the wrapping paper, and decorating the tree.
Yes, I'm aware it isn't even Thanksgiving yet, but this is proof that it's OK to mentally prepare for the goodness that is sure to follow the pumpkin pie. This delicious-goodness makes it's seasonal debut around the first of November and only sticks around till shortly after New Year's, so as soon as I see it, I start filling my shopping cart. I'm not joking. I stocked up enough last year to carry me through the end of March. *If you haven't tried this (or it's doppelganger Cranberry Sierra Mist), you should definitely try it.
I'm feeling especially festive this year and I can't quite put my finger on the reason. I'll let you know as soon as I do. I may try to place the blame on my love/hate relationship with Pinterest.
*I am loving... My mother. I love her and am so very thankful for her every day (not just today). She is the epitome of what a mother is, she has taught me, through example how to be a mother, and I'm so very thankful I am able to call her mine. She is, by far, the most beautiful woman I know, inside and out.
*Oh, and these flowers are from her. I have gotten them every year, for the past four, on the same day, for a very special reason. Not that the delivery has become an expectation, but an always welcomed "There they are" kind of a feeling. She knows exactly what I need, when I need it. Of course she does... she is my mother.
*I am loving... that, for the 2nd week in a row, I followed up with having dinner ready for the husband when he makes it home on Thursdays.
I. Am. Awesome.
That might be over shooting it just a bit. Especially, after you guys take a look at this week's "achievement" in Hilary's Culinary Adventure. I'm not going to lie. I'm a little embarrassed to post this. In fact... don't click on that link. Too late? I'm going to jazz it up a bit, by using some fancier lingo.
Instead of Super Easy Chicken, we'll call it Italian Chicken and Rice.
See, that sounds better already.
4-8 chicken breasts (tenderloin)
1 bottle Italian dressing
Parmesan cheese (to taste)
Put the chicken in the crock pot (yes, mine was frozen),
Pour in the dressing.
Sprinkle with Parmesan.
Cook on low for 8 hours.
Served over rice.
The verdict: Do. Not. Waste. Your. Chicken.
I mean, I can't say I won't ever fix this again. I'll be happy to... if the only food I have in this house is rice and Italian dressing. It was very blah and Andy's response (as was mine) was "Good effort. You don't know till you try, right?" ha!
*But, I'm still loving the fact that I tried something new. That's the point.
*I am loving... and am almost out of which is how this little gem ended up on my "I am loving" list.
Whether you have a "toddler" or are just a messy person... You. Need. This. We use it on everything. All of our clothes. It gets anything out (except dry-erase marker... long story). The only place I have found it is Toys R Us/Babies R Us, so stock up when you find it.
*I am loving... that everything in this picture was a requirement in making it to the store today. My girl definitely walks dances to her own beat.
What are you loving
*This is a very random post.
"Welcome to My Head"
Shuffle mode.
Best of luck.
Thanks for reading! And, as always, feel free to share the love!
Until next time...
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