Friday night. Exciting stuff. With Andy recording music ALL DAY LONG, the girls and I head to my mother's to hang out. She's exhausted, but I'm really looking forward to the frozen Lean Cuisine I accidentally left at her house. Like I said, exciting stuff. I don't know how it happened. I'm still not quite sure what sparked this spontaneous girl's night out, but I'm thankful for it... whatever it was. I remember heading to the kitchen to heat up my aforementioned dinner... next thing I know, we're loading up the girls on this nasty, brisk, rainy evening and heading to Kenova, West Virginia. That's right... I said Kenova, West by God Virgina.
Griffith & Feil Pharmacy and Soda Fountain is this little place, where the food is amazingly simplistic, but fantastic. I love the atmosphere here. It reminds me of some place my grandparents would have taken me as a child, letting me get a HUGE ice cream sundae, for no reason, other than I was there with them. No "special" occasion needed. Just cause.
Makes me happy.
Oh, the food? Amazing. I mean, seriously. Look at these onion rings.
Avery enjoyed the extra waxy crayons (more than her grilled cheese) and some much needed time with her Moe (my mother).
**Since we've been introducing Avery to the potty (and have had some success, I might add), she's become extra interested in anatomy. Enjoy.
The giant bear that welcomes you into the pharmacy. |
Friday night. Impromptu girl's night out. Amazing deep fried goodness. "Flashing" bears. Like I said... exciting stuff. :)