Monday, October 24, 2011

sick girl (?)

We're on a roll! Two doctor visits, two patients, two days.

I took Elliot Grae this morning, due to the fact that her nose was running like a sugar tree (expression credit goes to Andy Caudill)... a yellow-green color sugar tree, accompanied by a lovely cough, sounding very similar to her mother's. Lovely. Stupid genetics. I carry this child for nine months, nurturing her every need. She gets here and the only thing that says she's mine are the big brown eyes and her already present allergies. Awesome. ;)
Well... we made it 6 months without a sick visit. Not too shabby.

Before I became a mother to my girls, I assumed babies/children, have a similar look when feeling under the weather. Calm. Lethargic. Pitiful.  

But, my child? Goodness, no! This look (above) lasted a total of 3 minutes after waking up from an afternoon nap.

This is what my child does...

Completely normal for a 6 month old, right? ;)

She looks a little cocky in this one, doesn't she?

It's EG's world. We're all just living in it. ;)

I mean, you can definitely tell she doesn't feel well (through the eyes), but she's too busy to let a little Dr. appointment and antibiotics get in her way.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to share the love.

Until next time...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

Happy Sunday!
Yo Gabba Gabba! is an oddly fantastic addition to our lives. My biggest little thinks it's the bees knees. So, when we heard that the Live show was coming just an hour from our house, there was no question that we'd be there. Avery has a fascination with all the characters, especially DJ Lance.

The show was Friday. The Caudill's (and my wonderful  mother) loaded up the van, snotty-heads and all, and headed to my girls' first live show. I was a little anxious about Avery's reaction. Don't get me wrong, she loves the TV show. I just wasn't sure how she'd react to the over-stimulating crowd of screaming children, flashing lights, loud music, and the "sitting in your chair, like a big girl" part of it.

So, how did she do? I think these images say it all...

Love her face. DJ Lance! "There he is!"

And, how did Elliot do? She was really into the light show... so many bright colors. She doesn't miss a thing! So observant. Just like her big sister.

It was so much fun. We would will definitely go again. Andy and I had such a nice time, watching our girls' faces. I captured almost all of the oh my goodness-I'm so happy faces that Avery had, but the majority of my pictures (I took about 104) were a whole bunch of these...

Taking it all in. My little sponge.
Over all rating of first Live show: I give it a solid Awesome.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thirty-One Thursday: Party!

**This post was written started on Thursday, but between sick girls (and a sick me) and a Yo Gabba Gabba adventures this weekend, I'm just now getting it out. I'm sorry.

Last night, my dear neighbor/might-as-well-be-family/friend, Kim, hosted a "holiday themed" Thirty-One partySo, I thought that since it's Thursday, a party recap would be an appropriate Thirty-One Thursday post.

I have to be honest. My in-home party experience is limited. I was very pregnant when I signed up to be an independent consultant, and you can imagine life with a newborn and toddler, so needless to say... "limited" is being nice. I'm hanging out more in the total of 3 ballpark. Catalog parties are what's been working for this girl, but I may be changing my tune after last night. I had SUCH a nice evening!

Kim's delicious spread. She out does herself.

Red Velvet Cupcakes. Yes. Please.

Kim's party is still open, as we're waiting on a few payments to come in, but she is sitting pretty in the Hostess Reward's department. Two half-priced items, $90 in FREE products (of her choice), two Hostess Exclusive items, and she qualified for the Hostess Monthly Special... And, I still have to add in at least $120 worth of orders (which means, her Rewards will just keep coming)!

So, message me if you're interested in earning your own Hostess Rewards! My
days are limited in November, so don't wait!

And, as always, you can view the catalog HERE, and feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Happy Thirty-One Thursday Saturday and I hope everyone has a warm, safe weekend!
Until next time...


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I've been flirting with this linking up thing for awhile. Several of my blogging friends are doing it (Abby and Jamie), so I felt the urge to jump on board. I'm linking up with another Jamie at this kind of love and, I apologize in advance if I've jacked this whole "linking-up business".

I am loving... my sweet Avery's new and improved, earlier bedtime. Andy and I always went with the it works for us, so why change it  approach when it came to bedtime. We still co-sleep (with both girls), but it's a modified co-sleeping system. ha! Avery's previous bedtime was somewhere between 10:00-10:30, and was becoming more and more of a fight. With Andy working out of town occasionally, and me, home with both littles... let's just say something had to give. Now, my big girl is asleep no later than 8:30, and Momma is happy. There's no fight. There's no fit. No begging asking for Daddy, because mean ol' Momma is forcing the sleep situation. It's been smooth sailing. I probably just jinxed myself for about a month... I'll let you know.

  I am loving... this (and every season before) of The Biggest Loser.

I can honestly say, I was a little concerned about the quality of the show, this being the first season without Jillian Michaels, but I must say... I'm very pleasantly surprised. I shouldn't be though. I've been a loyal fan to this show since day 1. I know, I know... some people (aka: my husband) don't understand why one would want to watch fat bigger people sweat, scream, cry, and completely expose themselves on TV. Having been a passenger on the weight roller coaster for the past 11 years, I can honestly relate to these contestants. I'm happy to announce that I believe I converted him into enough of a "fan" last season, that he no longer rolls his eyes when he comes in the room and it's on. No more silently pleading with my eyes, "Please?".
No, I'm not big enough to be a contestant... but there was a time in my not-so-long-ago past, that I was eligible. It was a fleeting time in my life (thank you, God), but I know first hand how easy it is to hide behind your waistline. I still use my waistline as an excuse to keep me from doing things I'm afraid of. *Anyways, this show gets me, every time. Never fails.

I am loving... my Instagram account. Yes. I'm aware it's been around for awhile, but I'm just now discovering it.

follow me.

I am loving... reading about all these festive/fall inspired recipes! I'm not a huge fan of the kitchen, but have to admit, what I've been reading, has definitely peeked my interest. Oh, that sounds amazing. I could so do this one... Maybe I'll try that... You catch my drift. The Brown Eyed Baker is a wonderful resource for the kitchen beginner, like myself, with tutorials and "baking FAQ"s, I don't feel like as much of an idiot. I actually used this one for Avery's birthday cupcakes (don't get me wrong, my mother still practically held me hand through text messages, but I did it), and am looking for an excuse to try these in the VERY NEAR FUTURE. I don't need an excuse, do I? I mean... tis' the season, right? That's enough of an excuse.

Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

*Regardless of talent level in the kitchen, I would recommend for some great recipe ideas. Hopefully, your house (and mine) will be filled with delicious, festive smells soon.

I am loving... Pinterest. Yes, just like Instagram, I'm aware it's been around for awhile, but I'm just now discovering it. My dear friend, Ali, told me about it months ago, and I kinda forgot about it. Then, my mother started talking about it, and I realized I had better get on the internet sensation ball. Can't have her being more technologically advanced than me, can I? Pinterest = A BIG HUGE BLACK HOLE OF FABULOUS-NESS. Seriously. Tie a rope around your waist and have a family member hold on tight to the other end. You will need to have them pull you back into the real world.
All that being said, I have found some really cute craft ideas for the girls (especially once EG gets a little bigger), decorating items to add to my Someday wish list, and some fantastic blogs to start reading. Love it. So, if you haven't already, get pinning.      


So, what are you loving this Wednesday? Thanks for reading and feel free to share the love.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's Fall, Y'all...

I know. According to the calendar, the first day of fall was September 23rd... which was 3 weeks ago. And, even if you count our GREAT PUMPKIN SEARCHour fall had it's kick-off a week ago. But... today, I felt it.  I smelled it. I tasted it.

Andy got out the big pot and my house filled with the delicious smell of his infamous potato soup. It's fantastic. He was holding this one close to his chest. Didn't bust this recipe out until after we were married, not that I needed any more convincing.  

This recipe changes several times throughout the season. Spicy. Extra creamy. This time he added chicken and green chile's. Amazing.

What a fantastic lunch AND dinner?! Yes, I had two HUGE bowls.

Then, at my mother's...

I'm not gonna lie. I knew what we were walking into. It wasn't just a "pleasant surprise". The pumpkin pie was a large contributing factor in our quick visit. Blake is really into pumpkin pie, so this was the first of many pies of the season. This makes my pallet happy.

Hope you're enjoying your fall season, whenever it started. Any favorite fall inspired dishes I need to add to my list?

Thank you for reading. Until next time...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thirty-One Thursday: The Cindy Tote

Call the Vatican. My children fell asleep and stayed asleep, drum roll please... at the SAME TIME?! For a WHOLE hr and a half?! It was the perfect time for me to catch up on some laundry and clean this mess of a house stretch out on the couch with two pillows and a blanket, and catch up on my DVR. Not to sound overly dramatic, but:
It. Was. Glorious.

That did sound overly dramatic, didn't it? But, that NEVER happens, folks. Ever. It was so nice. I'm sure it'll never happen again, because I'm making such a big deal out of it... but at least I had today. :)

Now... onto the business at hand. It's Thursday, so...

Hello, friends and fellow Thirty-One fans!

For this week's Thirty-One Thursday, let's go with my very first wish list, must have items. The Cindy Tote. I'm going to be 100% honest. This is me, spilling the beans. When I signed up to be a Thirty-One Independent Consultant in Febuary this year, there was a "Hostess Special" going on: Host a $XXX party, and recieve the Cindy Tote for 70% off. My first thought: If I become a consultant, host an open house... that means I can get that baby for $20.00 AND make a nice little paycheck? I'm in. So, thank you, Cindy Tote, your good looks inspired me to take the leap. A leap I've been loving since!

I love it. I pined for it originally as a diaper bag, but have since sold several of these to teachers and as a mobile office. I'm not sure John Q. Public is aware of just how much stuff teachers have to cart to and from school (my mother is a teacher), but it's insane.

I LOVE this tote so much that...

Well, look at what came in the mail today?! Is it Christmas, already?!
 I couldn't help it. I have been in love with this Grey Quilted Poppy since I first saw it, and felt as though I needed a new Cindy Tote, you know... to coordinate when I wear black. Who's with me?
This tote is approximately: 14"H x 15"W x 5"D (but is pictured above with my iPhone to give you other normal people some idea of the size... Sorry, it's the closest "universal object" I had on hand).

***I mentioned in a previous Thirty-One Thursday post that I was ordering an All-In-One Organizer for Avery to use as a "Trick or Treat" bag, and look at this.


As always, feel free to email me  here if you have any questions, are in need of a catalog, are wanting place an order, or host a party. You can always go HERE to view the catalog online.

Until next time...
Happy Shopping and Happy Thursday!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Avery's 2nd Birthday: The Recap

Last week, my biggest little turned 2. Due to some scheduling conflicts, her celebrations have been spread, somewhat evenly throughout the past 8 days. That's how we roll. We'll celebrate all month, if we want to... right?
Honestly, I already feel like I've over done the sharing part with pictures on facebook and a blog post, but I can say this will be the last Avery Birthday post, until next year, of course.

On her actual birthday (9.29.11), we celebrated with our dear friends/neighbors/might-as-well-be-family family, the Harrison's. Howard and Kim, affectionately referred to as "Wah-Wah" and "Meme", respectfully, are such a big part of my little family and am so thankful for that.

Mini charm bracelet. Avery liked it. Momma LOVED it.

I had fully intended on making homemade cupcakes for my girl's special day, but with dilated eyes (first eye appointment in 14 years, give or take) I found that I couldn't see my grocery list... so a little ice cream cake never hurt anyone.

Saturday (10.08.11... also known as today) we celebrated with the rest of our family, at my mother's.

Look at this mess.
I made the homemade cupcakes and am pretty pleased with how they turned out (recipe courtesy of the Brown Eyed Baker). Yes, this is Hilary. No, I have not been abducted by aliens and replaced with a look alike version of myself that is suddenly comfortable in the kitchen. It's really me... I'm pretty sure.  I mean, they could have come out of the oven a smidge sooner and I may need to work on my icing skills, but I'm not throwing in the towel on this baking thing, just yet.

Avery got her "big girl" present from Andy and me this evening. Melissa & Doug Art Station. She was definitely a happy camper. I love that she has this ever growing interest in artist expression. I know... she's two. But, I still love it.  She is very into painting. She "chalks" every time we're outside. We color every day. It's awesome.

Lovely evening.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl.
You. Are. Loved. So. Much.

*Busy last couple of days. I'm exhausted. I promise to give you all a break from the constant postings. Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!